Thursday 12 April 2012

Miss - representation

Miss - Representation

  • 17- 31 hours - media consumption
  • Values based upon looks rather than power, approval to society
  • 53% of girls are insecure about their looks by the age of 13
  • 65% of girls have an eating disorder
  • 17% harming themselves
  • Unmeasurable standards are being portrayed by the media, should be stopped, too vulnerable.
  •  How to stop something you are not - the media
  • 235.6 billion on advertisement
  • 12,000 - 15,000 on beauty products
  • Seeing themselves as objects - depression & eating disorders
  • Politics changes - people do not share views/experiences
  • Lack of opportunities for women.
  • Never the protagonists - fighting etc - insecurities
  • Cartoon, not reality - body props
  • Action - objectification, violence, hyper- sexual - rate more
  • Patriarchal - child baring - Miss - representation
  • Time for change - 16% of women are writers, cinematographers + editors & directors, 20% - news stories are women, symbolic annihilation - purpose, more opportunities, male perspective.

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