- YouTube response - "Watched it last night, very good film, had its funny moments but it felt very tragic too, ultimately just a group of friends (bar Barry!) who are extremely misguided & committing a terrible act even if they themselves aren't terrible people. (if that makes sense!)" - cocorocks88 - Negotiated reading
- NME - http://www.nme.com/filmandtv/news/families-of-77-victims-protest-againts-chris-morris/172579 - 7/7 families calling for a boycott of the film, not to be shown in cinemas. Grahame Russell, whose son was among the 52 killed on 7 July 2005, told BBC News that the filmmakers were "morally bankrupt". - Oppositional reading
- Chris Morris - "the Dad's Army side to terrorism" - Preferred reading
- BBC - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8663809.stm - "But here, what he's done, he's taken a specific attack," too close to home, too realistic making some viewers feel uncomfortable.- Oppositional reading
- The Guardian - http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2010/mar/25/four-lions-chris-morris-review - " Morris has hit on the rawest of nerves, and for that he deserves admiration.", " has taken on arguably the most bad-taste subject imaginable: a cell of homegrown jihadi bombers, feverishly plotting martyrdom from terrace houses in Doncaster " & " Four Lions reminded me of Dad's Army, with its blend of buffoonery and cantankerousness, petty power struggles and blurring of the lines between home and combat life. " - Preferred reading, agreeing with the view
- Omar - positioned with him - tea, CUS " big hands" - Domestic environment, i the same position with them, clueless on what is going on - Surveillance
Sensitive subject - Religion, ethnicity & life experience
Preferred reading - Extremism stupid? - Manipulation, influence, morals, right thing to do - religion - dealing with the issue
Oppositional - Life experience, those who have been affected by moral experience - "London bombings 7/7", Location - London, happened again? - too soon?, too sensitive? Age are they easily influenced.
Age- Youth are more likely to take preferred reading, older - question it, negotiated reading - too soon, is it morally correct?
Religion - Stereotyping, Islam - oppositional, understanding the humour
Location - Oppositional stance
Political - Encouraging?
Target audience
- Slap stick
- Credits
- Reviews
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