Tuesday 17 April 2012

Case Studies - National and Regional Identity


  • Polite, formal, well spoken - Very upper class
  • Based in London - high usage of landmarks, Red buses & houses of Parliament
  • Very stereotypical - comedic effect - easily recognisable only have 22 mins. to set the scene
  • Comedy
  • Quaint
  • Charming
  • Classic Britain, books etc
  • Other Britain - hidden by the mainstream fitting to the film.
  • Constructed to get the identity across quickly due to small amount of time to portray it.
  • Rom com
Working title

Appeal to a mass audiences - Transatlantic, stereotypes - appealing to many. Very popular image to world wide audiences. Tradition - projection of our country, very traditional and stereotypical.

Harry Brown
  • National / regional Identity - London the other side - estates - not land marks, council estate, rough - reoccurring violence.
  • Realistic - "happy slapping" - Hand held camera - British product, own viewpoint (exaggerated for film) - Links in with news - knife crimes
  • Class based - setting - hard low key - "Not glossy"
  • Relating - Smaller audiences, not transatlantic - Mainly British audiences, not brought to the mass due to fear of decline and unfair representation of the city as a whole.
  • Hybrid - Action, crime and drama.
  • Colloquial  language - 18 - swearing, the bitter truth
  • Social class - lower social economic
  • Pathetic fallacy - gloomy - low key lighting, grime
  • Negative portrayal - Britain at war, cult, war zone - old v. youth
  • Subject matter - crime, drugs and violence.
  • Brown is a counter type - killing the youth - active and ex. marine - Hybrid genre.
The Sun - Let's make Britain great
  • All jobs, small jobs making Britain great - Stereotypical jobs, fireman etc.
  • Uniting as one - great Britain - all jobs
  • Britain - Diversity, ethnicity, cultures etc.coming together, multicultural Britain - united, many representations.
  • Proud / patriarchal - sport, coming together - National flag
  • Who is being aimed - nation, mass audience 
  • Chariots of fire - non digetic - inter-textual
  • Stereotypical link to sea side - sea, island + tradition
  • Against adversity - coming together and rising against it, ideologies
  • Diversity, resilience + bravery - WW2
  • EDF Energy - Patriarchal & pride
Regional identity
  • Nottinghill - Wales + Ireland
  • London - Friends, Made in Chelsea, south vs. north
  • Villages
  • Industries - historical perspective - working class
  • Tougher - "Hard"
  • Strong accents
  • Rival settings - communities
  • Traditional viewpoints
  • Farms, communities
  • Older demographic - Jobs within communities
  • Very traditional values - romantic view of the north
  • Honesty, trustworthy - they are northern
  • comedic take on stereotypes
  • Britain is best
  • United, support care etc.
Shameless - Manchester
  • Lower economically developed areas - Derelict - Juxtaposition
  • Always drunk, unemployed
  • Strong language - swearing intelligent - Frank
  • Fights
  • Themes - family, crime, tight knit - community
  • Lower class  

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