Thursday, 29 September 2011

Media text analysis

Heat Magazine cover

The Demographics:

  • Gender- Teenage girls - Informal language, not aimed at the older generation
  • Age- 15-25 - Bright, eye catching, direct mode of address
  • Grouping - D - E- Cheap to buy meaning it is aimed to those may not have the biggest wage to spend it on. Students can afford this.
  • Region- Lower working class, informal use of language.
Technical Codes:
  • Direct mode of address - Engages the audience catches their eyes, suggest the model or celebrity is looking at you, makes you feel part of the magazine, want to read more.
  • Lighting - Very light (high key), whites, yellows and blues - It is eye catching toward the teenage audience. Bounces out at them, stand out from the crowd.
  • Camera angles - Tilted angles, paparazzi style, suggest gossip also what mysterious are the magazine hiding.
Visual and written codes:
  • Colours- Very bold, vibrant colours, e.g. yellows, blue, white and reds. Eye catching, stands out from the crowd, makes it different to any other magazine. Red logo- sticks in your mind, suggests passion within the magazine and the detail it takes into creating it. Stays in your mind meaning it is unforgettable, and recognisable so that teens will remember what to buy without having to search for it.
  • Typography - Uppercase typography links in with exclamatory statements, exciting, bold and noticable, appealing to the audicnes as they do not need to look for what is in the magazine, it it right in their faces.
  • Language - Very exclamatory "I'M PROUD OF MY BODY!", makes it exciting,remember able and it sticks in the mind of the audience. Whole cover it over the top, making is stand out. Name "heat" is declarative, you know what the magazine is about, heat of the celebrity world. Informal so that the audience know it is fun and something to fill the time with.
  • Background - White background to make the stories and bold colours stand out making it easy to distinguish and recognise, also evey image and clour fit with the theme of white.
Representation and ideologies:
  • Suggests that the celebrity stories are all you need, positive represenations to entice the reader into finding out more into what the magazine has to offer.
  • Appeals to the stereotypical ideologies- Women are inferior to men, less intellegent. Magazine is simple and easy to read something that women can read and enjoy.

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