Thursday 15 September 2011

David Cameron Task

The Masthead: The Daily Mail- Very Popular and read by many. Serif font such as new times roman will be used as it creates a professional look, also is eye-catching due to extravagant style. By using the mail the article will then reach many helping to show Cameron in a positive way.

The headline: "Cameron makes Cuts Count"- Serif font is an informal use of font and is modern. This appeals to audiences young and old spreading a positive view on Cameron. Alliteration makes the headline stick in the mind of the audience.

The Image:

David_Cameron.JPG.jpgThe Mid-shot creates an idea of power and Cameron has everything under control creating a positive image with the reader. The image is eye level providing a connection with the reader therefore providing measure that what he is suggesting to do is right. It provides confidence in what he is saying. The light background creates a view of power and control. The bright tie shows power and control. It provides command and a God like figure and emphases the power he has over the country.

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