- Green screen - All are able to see the trailer, but the film has been rated PG-13 meaning those who are under the age of 13 will need the consent of parents. Done for safety and well fare of the child, to ensure children are not affected by it.
- Production company & studios- Alcon Entertainment and Kadokawa Pictures, well know companies for horror, know that the film will be good, intrigues you to see it and see if they have created a good film, compare to there other works.
- Release date- Done as a text message, linking in with the film and creating fear and wonder into what may happen during the film.
- Name of film- One Missed Call shown at the end of the trailer, sticks in your mind as it is one of the last things you see. Displayed as a text message, creating the dear that it could be you next as we all have phones, it makes it real to the viewer.
Visual Codes
- Props - Mobile phones- First thing you see, suggesting this is what the film is based around and the phone plays a vital part in making the story, red marbles signifying when someone dies and body bags- creating the idea of death being a strong theme in the film.
- Setting- Dark unused areas, train station, places behind locked gates. Giving the idea that you shouldn't be there, questing why you shouldn't (enigma codes)
- Colours- Dark, shady blues creating the idea of death, cold, sadness. Pale blue's relate to death as it is often the colour you turn when you die. Gives the audience the genre of the film, that death and mystery is involved in it. Appeals the fans of horror. Deep red- leads to danger, blood and death, emphisising the genre of the film.
Technical Codes
- Framing - Loose framing, what is hiding in the darkness, who is there, creates fear and excitment in the audience, want to see more of what is in the background.
- Editing- Montage of clips with intermittent black screens, creating fear, pace, adrenaline. Wets the appetite of the audience building excitement for the film. Also fear of the black screen, what is it hiding?
- Lighting- Low key lighting creating shadows, what is there to hide,creating tension as to what is being hidden in the darkness, in the background what lies a head for the characters?
- Camera shots/ angles - Begins with a low angled close up shot of a mobile phone. Setting the idea in the audience that this prop has a key role in this film. Low angle close up shows that something so small is going to cause problems, also it connects with the audience as the majority have phones. Blurred out characters suggests they are not as important as the phone, gets the audience asking why?
- Close up's- Showing the fear and emotion going through the character, creating a direct mode of address, including the audience within the film, wetting the appetite of the audience, wanting to see more.
- Final Girl theory- Main leading character is an intelligent female who is solving the mystery's of the deaths and why they are happening. Whilst all of the other female character's are dying she is the only one to survive. Question why?
- Binary codes- Light Vs. Dark- Death only occurs during night time, brings mystery and darkenss to the film, what is hiding in the shadows? Light (daytime) no deaths but the discovery of who will die next occurs. Builds tension as audience could be targeted, all have phones.
- Non diegetic sound- Phone ringing, classic ring eerie, creating the tension all through the trailer. A sound that we all know creating fear that we may be affected by this film, it could be us.
- Eerie strings- Creating the tension and enigma codes, what will happen in the film, what does the music suggest about the theme/ genre of the film. Sets the tone of the film. Build tension as gradually gaining in speed, creating sudden fear when it stops. Why does it stop, what is about to happen?
- Drums- Fixed with the fast editing, creating adrenaline, fear and excitement of what may happen next, what the film has to offer. Fits in creating a fast pace, with sudden stops creating fear. Feel of horror and fear. Music creates the mood of the film, enticing those who enjoy the horror genre.
URL of film trailer :
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